Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Beginning our journey towards family additions

Malcolm and I have decided that we would like another child to love and cherish.  It is a selfish request, really, as I still feel that I get much more from Miss P than she has ever received from me (perhaps that will change as we enter the teenage years later).  We know that our family does not feel complete.

My childbirth with Miss P was not unusual.  Many people struggle with childbirth.  It's hard.  But after a month of bed-rest due to preeclampsia and then the recovery from surgery from a c-section, it was all a bit too much for me.  I understand what my limits are now, and the end of pregnancy and childbirth just doesn't seem to agree with my body.  Adding to that the continuing complications from Hashimoto's thyroiditis that were exacerbated through pregnancy, I'm declaring that my body has had enough.  So, then what to do...

Many of you that know me will know that I have considered adoption a viable option for quite a while.  I have been interested in adoption since I was younger and have a close friend that grew up mostly in foster care, so I know her stories.  When I was a teacher, I taught many teenagers who were stuck in the foster care system to usually age out when they were older.  And, in addition to these children all stuck in limbo in the United States, there are literally millions of ophans worldwide who live in foster care, orphanages and even on the streets.

We have decided that we will adopt to complete our family.  This blog will record the story.